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Stakeholders’ Agreements

If you are going into business with one or more people, or companies, or you are already a shareholder in a private company and you don't have a stakeholders' agreement (often called a shareholders' agreement) you are taking a big risk.

How to avoid a major cause of business problems

expertiseA comprehensive stakeholders' agreement drafted by a lawyer who specialises in such contracts will prevent a lot of problems which often cripple companies and joint enterprises. It will also minimise the damage caused by some problems that can't be prevented.

Streamlined process

There is no such thing as a standard stakeholders' agreement, or shareholders' agreement, which means that a contract needs to be customised for each company or joint venture. In the past, this was a time consuming, complex and expensive process.

This is no longer the case. We have spent many hundreds of hours streamlining the process which means you can get a customised agreement by answering a series of questions which we can send you, mainly with yes or no answers.

Significant cost reduction

The streamlined process means that stakeholders' agreements cost a lot less than they used to.

Complimentary paper

If you would like to learn more about the problems which commonly affect private companies and jointly owned businesses, and what can be done about them – e.g. how to protect the interests of both minority and majority shareholders – just complete the Contact Lexxon page and put “Stakeholders' Paper” under Brief Description in the second last panel.

Fast track

If you want to skip the paper, you can go straight to the questions which will enable an agreement to be customised to your particular requirements. Just complete the Contact Lexxon page and put “Stakeholders' Questions” under Brief Description in the second last panel.

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